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This talk was presented by Dr. Lindsey Fraser as part of the industry hour at Neuromatch 2.0, and originally streamed on Crowdcast on May 27th, 2020 at 4pm EDT. The talk was hosted by Dr. Konrad Kording, lead Neuromatch organizer and professor of Computational Neuroscience at UPenn.
In this 10-minute talk, I briefly cover some research showing the applications of our PROPixx DLP projector’s 1440 Hz mode, including rapid frequency tagging and transaccadic stimulus presentation. I then spend a few minutes discussing the technology behind our 1440 Hz mode and how we overcome the limitations of other hardware, like graphics cards.
Balsdon, T., Schweitzer, R., Watson, T. L., & Rolfs, M. (2018). All is not lost: Post-saccadic contributions to the perceptual omission of intra-saccadic streaks. Consciousness and cognition, 64, 19-31.
Zhigalov, A., Herring, J. D., Herpers, J., Bergmann, T. O., & Jensen, O. (2019). Probing cortical excitability using rapid frequency tagging. Neuroimage, 195, 59-66.
Cite this guide
Fraser, L. (2020, May 27). High Refresh Rate Displays in Neuroscience (Neuromatch 2.0) [Video file]. Retrieved from