What’s New
Software release 1.8.1
Software version 1.8.1 has been officially released. This is a small release, containing a new feature for the DATAPixx3 called Pixel Mode B. This variant of Pixel Mode allows for automated visual event triggers exclusively via digital output channels DOut 16-23, leaving the other channels available for custom triggers. Pixel Mode B was developed for…
Software Release 1.8.0
Software version 1.8.0 has been officially released. This release contains many new updates and features for our LabMaestro Software for Windows, including: Complete update notes can be found here: https://docs.vpixx.com/download/software-revision-logDownload the new release here: https://docs.vpixx.com/download/
Software Release 1.7.0
The new software tools version 1.7.0 has been officially released. This release contains many new updates and features for our LabMaestro Software. Complete update notes can be found here: https://docs.vpixx.com/download/software-revision-log Download the new release here: https://docs.vpixx.com/download/
VPixx Technologies will be at VSS2024!
VPixx Technologies is a long time sponsor of the annual meeting of the Vision Sciences Society. We’re happy to announce we will be sponsoring this year’s meeting, from May 17-22, 2024 in St. Pete’s Beach, Florida. We have an exciting schedule of events at the conference, that you can find below. Click on the event…